Played by: Joe Usher
Age: 19
Regional Dialect: Yorkshire, Barnsley
Eye Colour: Blue
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Dark Brown
Bio: Eli is an only child, brought up by his single mother. He grew up in Barnsley where he met Jace and Malia. He studies forensic science at York University, where he was acquainted with Riley and Mackenzie.
Personality Traits: Sceptical, intelligent, friendly, judgemental, ironic and overall a simple guy.
Purpose in film: Eli was forced along to the gathering by Jace who is interested in Riley despite his own disliking to her. Eli ends up spending more time on his phone, rather than being involved with the others but enages with Mackenzie most. When suggested, Eli is adamant on believing the Ouija board will not work but in the back of his mind, he is hoping it will. He appears very sceptical and against Jace's wishes to use to the board. However Eli is aware that Jace does the exact oppostie to what he says, suggesting to Mackenzie that he does in fact want to try out the board. He is also very sarcastic and demeaning to Riley while his relationship with Malia and Mackenzie is undecidedly acquainted.
Fate: Deceased?
Quote: 'I look better in person.'
Quote: 'I look better in person.'
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