
Wednesday 11 January 2017

Similar Films

Similar Films


One of the films that inspired us to do a Ouija board horror was the film Ouija. This came out in 2014 and was directed by Stiles White. In this film the main character Laine convinces her friends to use the board after the recent suicide of her best friend Debbie. The board unleashes evil spirits and in turn the friends are met with tragic deaths. As this film came out in 2014 it is quite new and the special effects work well- this film was also a low budget film and therefore is easily doable by
my team.
The scene which inspired us the most and which we are going to base our film around is the séance scene, this scene revolves around the use of a Ouija board and talking to the spirits. This is how we are planning to start our film. This film includes 5 teenagers much like are film as five is a suitable group to make the story line extensive and interesting.

Facts about the film

Release date: 24 Oct 2014 (United States)
Director: Stiles White
Language: English
Production companies: Hasbro  · Platinum Dunes · Blumhouse Productions
Certificate:  15
Year:  2014
Time:  1 hr 29 min
Genre: Horror

Ouija-2014- contacting Debbie

Insidious Chapter 3 

The second film which is similar to our is Insidious Chapter 3, I have chosen the third film as this is based around talking to the dead more than any of the other films. This film was released in 2015 so is very recent for a good horror film. Our film could not be as detailed as this, as the film is based around special effects and had a large budget.

This film was directed by Leigh Whannell and is about teenager Quinn Brenner trying to contact her late mother after she sense that she is trying to contact her, she seeks the psychic Elise however he is no longer in business and cannot help. An entity starts to attack Quinn and after Quinn being in a tragic accident it makes her very vulnerable to the attacks. It finally becomes a threat to her life so Elise steps in to venture in to the further to contact the dead and rescue Quinn.

The scene in this film which inspired us is the ending scene when Elise is trying to rescue Quinn from the evil entity. This features the main characters sat in a circle taking part in a séance.

Facts about the film

Release date: 05 Jun 2015
Director:  Leigh Whannell
Language: English
Production companies: Blumhouse Productions · Entertainment One
Certificate : 15
Year:  2015
Time:  1 hr 37 min
Genre: Horror

Insidious Chapter 3 

The Conjuring 2

The conjuring 2 is based around the use of a Ouija board shows the after effects of what can happen. This is a similar film to ours as it shows how the board can effect you in your every day life. It is about  paranormal investigators Lorraine and Ed Warren, going to London to help a family which desperately needs to be saved from the spirits. Our film will not feature the appearance of paranormal investigators so the film will not pan out like The Conjuring, although the idea of malicious spirits. will be a main feature.

Facts About The Film:

Release date: 13 Jun 2016
Director:  James Wan
Language: English
Certificate: 12A 
Year: 2016
Time: 2 hr 14 min 
Genre: Horror
The Conjuring 2

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