
Thursday 16 March 2017

Survey results

 Survey Results

The group decided to create a survey on to see different peoples responses to our film. This was so we could base the film around a certain gender and age. This is a collection of the results that came back from the survey posted in January. 

This question was find out what gender our film would mainly appeal to. This shows that most of the people interested in to his film would be females, this could be because of the high school aspect and the ratio of females to males in the film, however we have planned this film to be aimed towards both genders as it has aspects that appeal to both. This film will still be aimed at a target demographic of young adults of both genders, even though the survey results don't back this point up. This could be because more girls than boys took the survey.

This question was to find out the favourite genre of film from a random anonymous audience, horrors and thrillers are a favourite with comedy's and romances also appearing. Our film is predominately a horror although incorperates aspects of romance with the couple Riley and Jace, and it includes comedy character which is also Jace. This film will appeal to many audiences, and in 2017 horrors have become one of the main genres of film to be watched at the cinema proving that hopefully that our film will be a box office hit.

This question was to find out how the audience watches films, as this would help us in the distribution and exhibition of the film. This pie chart shows that most people (split equally) use online streaming and go to the cinema to watch films. Online streaming means that the audience can watch the film on sites such as Netflix and Amazon Prime. In 2017 most teenagers watch films on movie sites such as Putlocker which is an illegal movie watching website, this doesnt generate profit for the film company however it does allow a large audience to watch the film. The cinema is important as this is where the main profit comes in and creates the hype for the film. The box office on the opening weekend is the factor which shows if the film is a hit or a miss. 

This question was to find out if our story would be a good horror. This 5 star rating was based on the plot of the film. Our rating results have a weighted average of 4.86 and this shows that we have a well thought out and put together plot. The lowest star rating we got was 4 star, this is still extremely good and proves that the film would be watchable. This was an anonymous and therefore people didnt vote because they are friends, this survey was giving out to random poeple and posted on the blog to get different people's opinions on the storyline of the film.

This pie chart represents the share of people taking this questionnaire who would actually watch this film, the result being unanimous. This isn't a surprising result because of our weighted average of 4.86 on our storyline question, meaning if they liked the storyline they would like to watch the film. This was the deciding question, debating whether the film would be a hit. This proves that the film would be a hit as 100.00% of the people who answered the question said yes.

This question was to see if the audience matched the storyline to the genre that we chose. The group chose this film to be a horror, however with the subgenre's psychological horror and paranormal horror. Some of the answers picked up on those subgenres, nevertheless all of the answers chose the right overall genre. This means that the plot has enough horror conventions to bump it up from being a thriller. To ensure this, we have chosen to add jump scares through out the film to guarantee it being a horror film.

This was the question that was one of the most important to the group. We first established that it would not be rated 18 as this limits the audience and we had already based the target demographic around teenagers and young adults (13-15). This question was to decide whether the film would be rated a 12 or a 15. The certificate 15 allows the film to have more taboo language and violence which is a main theme in al horror films, however rating the film a 12 would ensure that it could reach a wider audience and be marketed towards more people. The results show that this film should definitely be rated a 15 as 100% of the people who answered voted this.

This was one of the most obvious answers on the questions as it has already been established in the storyline that it was going to take place in Riley's house. This was for the sole purpose of seeing if the audience (people who answered the questionnaire) were perceptive about the storyline and also to get ideas of where any extra scenes could be set. Some people have answered 'old house' this was the decision that we made and in the end chose to film at a house which was built originally in 1864. This provided the house to have a 'haunted' aura and atmosphere. The only problem that we encountered with choosing to film in the location is that it is very dark when filming inside. We plan to work around this by getting more light and placing the around however so that they are not seen by the camera.

Music is one of the most important factors of a horror film as this is what creates the suspense and can help in bringing an intense atmosphere to the film. The responses state that we should incorporate high pitched suspenseful music. The team is going to abide by this suggestion and have this type of music as we have researched further into horror films and found out that this is the most common type of music to create a dramatic climax in the film.

This questionnaire was useful in finding out the audiences opinions and criticism of our project. Throughout all of this questionnaire we only got positive feedback and suggestions, this implies that our project would be liked by the viewer.

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