How did you address/attract your audience?
I think that our final film definitely reaches our target audience. One of the things that would help to attract the audience is the use of settings. Having our film set in an ordinary house which doesn't seem to be haunted at all would give it a better sense of realism and make the audience feel as if this is representational of a normal teenage or young adult life. The establishing shot of the house makes it look very homely however it also gives the audience a sense of anxiousness as it is quite an old home and something seems strange about it.
We used a range of mid-shots and shot-reverse-shot throughout the film when conversations are happening to make sure the audience feel immersed within the conversations between the characters. Doing this will help to attract the audience and keep there attention throughout the whole film as they feel as if they are a part of it.
By using a range of different characters with all different personality types, we are able to attract a wider audience as there is a character type that each viewer should be able to identify with. By having this type of feature, it allows the audience to become emotionally invested with the characters because they have someone that they can relate to and that character may become the one they are rooting for. This will grab the audiences attention as they will want to see if their 'favourite' character makes it to the end of the film.
I used an Audience feedback survey in order to find out if we attracted the target audience we were aiming for and what they thought of our film.
Create your own user feedback survey I used an Audience feedback survey in order to find out if we attracted the target audience we were aiming for and what they thought of our film.
Feedback Received:

We also wanted to find out what each persons' favourite character was. By asking this question, it gives us an insight into which characters each member of the audience identifies with and which character is the most likeable by the viewers. By doing this we can give the most liked character more screen time which essentially would attract the most audience members as they can easily align themselves with the favourite. The results show that 'Malia' and 'Jace' are the most liked characters. The girls who answered the survey chose 'Malia' as their favourite whilst the boys chose 'Jace' as their favourite. This shows that our characters are easy to identify with and that each member of the audience will have someone to relate to.

As a group, we believe that a successful step in our film was the music and soundtrack. We asked the audience's opinion and they all agreed that the music and sound effects that we used created a tense and suspenseful atmosphere. This is important as it makes the audience member feel anxious and attracts their attention to the screen.

One of the improvements was better lighting throughout the Ouija board scene. We had problems with the lighting as the place where we was filming didn't have enough brightness in order for the clips to turn out in high quality, we improved this by filming in the day light however it still wasn't as good as it could've been. We would have been able to prepare better lighting if we wasn't already delayed by having to re-shoot the entire film and was already nearing the deadline.
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