
Friday 7 April 2017

Genre Conventions: Music & Sound

Horror Conventions:
Music and sound 

The music and sound within a film helps us to become more deeply and emotionally immersed within that universe. Music plays a very important and significant part in a horror film as it helps to set the scene and gauge strong emotional feelings from the audience. It is a very important aspect in every movie, especially horror films because without tense music, no atmosphere would be created which would lead to the film having no power over the audience. The sound played in a horror movie can enhance the scene by helping it to flow more smoothly and set the mood needed for the audience to grasp. A horror film has to be made unsettling in order for it to produce the right reaction from an audience, without suspenseful music, audiences would not feel any anticipation or change in emotions which could lead the film to become boring or uninteresting. In modern day, many horror films have particular soundtracks in which an audience can recognise immediately, so it is important for a horror film to have a unique and memorable soundtrack.

In most horrors non-diegetic sounds are used quite often, these can be sounds such as whispers, bells and high pitched sounds. These type of non-diegetic sounds are used to create atmospheric tension and build up anticipation within the audience. Non-diegetic music could be used in horror for something like a child's wind-up box where the melodic lullaby is playing as it is wound up, the use of diegetic sounds in horror is exceptionally creepy as it reminds the audience that these are real sounds which are creating the anxiousness within them.

The audience will have pre-perceived reactions to noises such as loud bangs or screams, so they are expecting to be scared. In our film, we will be using many high pitched noises and whispers in order the make the audiences' hairs stand on edge.

Voices in horror films are usually distorted and stretched to create the eerie and unfathomable sounds which are used to frighten the audience and make the film horrifying; this gives a fear of the unknown, as the audience are not used to those sounds. At the end of our film we plan to use a whisper when the screen cuts to black in order to make the audience feel as if they are uncomfortably close to the antagonist. The cut to the black screen with the whisper adds tension as nothing can be seen on screen, and the slow quiet whisper adds an intimate touch.

As we have a deadline for our film, making and producing our own soundtrack would not be the best option. Due to this we will have to get royalty free music from various websites such as:

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