
Thursday 27 April 2017

Evaluation Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

To conduct this project, I used the website Blogger. Blogger is accessible on any device and is very easy to use, it enabled the group to conduct and view group tasks/individual tasks and confer on them. Blogger allows anybody on the internet to see what we have posted, this could help  the film gain popularity.

To make the feedback surveys I used the site Survey monkey, this was a free site that allowed people to conduct 10 questions which anybody on the internet could view and answer to.
This was an easy website to use and we could embed it into our blog easily. 

This is what the site looks like when making a new survey.

To film this film we used one of the camera provided by the college. However, instead of using the new camera's we chose to us the older camera as this was the only one which we could do an effective focus pull on. As of yet I do not know if this was a good decision or not as a con of this was that it was lower quality than the new camera's, although a pro of this was that we could keep and use the camera for a longer range of time as we were the only group using it. This was the first time that I have used this type of camera and I feel that it went extremely well. If given the choice I would still have chosen this type of camera  as it had all of the basic functions that we needed to film with.

I created the logo on Photoshop, this was done quickly as because I am a graphic design student I already knew how to use it and once we had the image we were going for in mind we easily created it.

To finish the film we needed to use Premiere pro, an adobe app that you edit films on. This was difficult at first to use as I had never been on it before and didn't know how to use it. But before long I had got the hang of it and my group was able to use it with ease. The only difficulty we encountered was taking the sound out of one part of footage and adding it into another with ease to keep to continuity. This worked out well as the viewer cannot sense when this change occurs.

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